Tired of being tired?

Five Simple Things (September 30)


Here are five things this week.

1. This Day.

We celebrated Skylar's birthday this week and took him to Valley River Center in Eugene to let him pick up a few things he's been wanting. The jacket he got that he is wearing in the photo above is sold out, but here is one similar. 

Above is the cake baking and icing video reel I created on Instagram. It was a lot of fun piecing all of the steps together. You can see the original video here.

2. This Wrap.

This is the falafel wrap that was delicious when I had it, but ended up giving me food poisoning afterwards. First time I've ever tried falafel, and it will probably be the last. Falafel is notorious for bacteria if it isn't stored, or cooked correctly, so be cautious. First time I've ever had food poisoning and it is rough.

3. These Clouds.

Sometimes storm clouds rolling in are beautiful. These clouds brought several days of rain with them, but definitely were pretty beforehand.

4. These Lamps.

We've had these lamps for at least 20 years, but this week we decided that their time in our house is over. It's weird not having them on the fireplace anymore, or randomly moved from room to room, but the lady I sold them to on Craigslist will give them a great home and their new adventures are underway. I've been on a downsizing track for quite some time and anything I feel that doesn't earn its place in our house ends up being donated, or sold. In 2023 we plan to get rid of a lot more things over the course of the year. Minimizing the things in your life really does have a great impact in your overall mental state, too. If  you need tips, or a push in the right direction, check out my Minimalism page at the top of my blog.

5. This Maze.

This corn maze is a short distance from us here in the Willamette Valley and I absolutely love their corn maze message this year. With September being National Suicide Prevention Month it's such a great message to put out into the world right now. Suicide is linked to depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health issues and is definitely a huge crisis in the United States, and worldwide. Those that don't suffer from depression, or other mental health issues, it's hard for them to grasp why suicide is a choice with some that suffer. Finding a purpose in life isn't always the answer to depression. Trauma, mental illness, and life experiences that bring on stressors all contribute to depression and anxiety. With help people can get past certain depression-type symptoms. 988 is now available nationwide and will help in situations where the person suffering doesn't have immediate, present support in front of them. Licensed mental health therapist are available under 988 through calling, or even texting. Let's stop this stigma that depression isn't real, and anxiety is all in our heads. It's very real, and until everyone helps, we won't get better. Please pass along the 988 number to anyone and everyone, and please stop the negativity and harsh options of those that suffer worse than you with mental health issues. We can do this and we can get better with positive support and encouragement. Everyone is enough, we just need to keep holding up and supporting those that don't think they are. Be that change! Be that help! Be that voice they need! 

Positive affirmations this week:

I always find it helpful to my mental health issues when I help someone else and see them happy. I try to give homeless people water, or a meal, or ask someone how their day is. I try to smile at strangers in my car when I'm driving and they are crossing the street, or even tell gas station attendants that I appreciate them. Kindness is free and we make a choice every day to be a better person. Try to make a point in one month to do something kind every day of that month. Start in October and make it a point to yourself to be a better person, even to yourself. You can do this!

Have a nice weekend.

Five Simple Things (September 23)


Here are five things this week.

1. These Rolls.

I've been on a bit of a sushi/nori roll kick lately. They are easier to make than you might think. If I can do it, anyone can, seriously. I didn't use any seafood in mine, but you could always add whatever you like to the middle. Mine have tomatoes, avocados, celery, and carrots. I posted the recipe I followed for mine and you'll also want one of these to make rolling them a bit easier, or any of the items listed on that page. There's so many great tools out now to help make rolling and cutting so much easier.

2. This Bowl.

Not a huge fan of overpriced items like Yeti coolers, but this dog bowl caught my attention. We've been using it for awhile now, and honestly, it's okay. There's nothing really amazing about it and it will probably be the last and only thing I ever buy from Yeti. If you're a Yeti person, you can get this exact bowl here. It also comes in a size for larger dogs here.

3. This Sunset.

Never a dull moment with sunsets here on the west coast.

4. These Items.

A few things came in the mail this week. (From left to right: Mightynest, Rael Period Underwear, Kinder Beauty Box, and Kiwi Eco Box) I love getting a once a month shipment from Mightynest that helps me go more earth-friendly in my choices. This Period Underwear I have been wanting to try for awhile. I will report back. Kinder Beauty always has such amazing beauty products. Some I already use, but some are new to me and so far so good with the selections they send me. And, I can't say enough about Kiwi Eco Box. Really, get on this mailing list. The two women behind it are just the best! And, all money raised right now goes straight to Ukraine. Their mother was a war refugee, she is safe in the states now, but it's so heartbreaking to see and hear what the innocent Ukrainian citizens are suffering through. No matter where your thoughts are with this war, we can all agree that innocent lives aren't worth all of this.

5. These Feeders.

I always am drawn to anything benefiting animals, even birds, and the more unusual the better. Get the cat seed feeder here, and the terracotta one I picked up at an estate sale, but here is one similar.

One more thing: Today is International Day of Sign Languages. We taught Skylar sign language at an early age, because he was born with a hearing issue. His right ear is worse than his left, so at times, especially in crowded areas, we still use sign language. Learning sign language, even if no one you're around has hearing difficulties, is a great skill to learn and practice. Start today and by this time next year you could be having a full conversation with someone in sign language. The best one to learn first is, "I love you."

 Positive affirmations this week:

If you feel like something is off in any relationship, your boss, coworker, family, extended family, neighbors, etc. that is your instincts telling you that something isn't right. Other's feelings don't matter if they continue to treat you with disrespect, unkindness, and my personal experience of relative bullying. Listen to those instincts and don't ignore them for the sake of others. We all deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. If you aren't finding it with certain people, move on. It's hard at first, but setting boundaries is the first step in self love. You can do it!

Have a nice weekend.