Tired of being tired?

A day at the coast (Nye Beach, Greenstone Inn, Wax Museum, Ripley's Believe it or Not, and the Undersea Gardens)

The beautiful weather we have had lately we couldn't help but take advantage of it with a drive over to the coast.  We stayed at the Greenstone Inn, which is now, The Inn at Nye Beach.  It was a beautiful weekend too and the sun didn't hesitate to stay out all the while   

We also took a turn of the Wax Museum, Ripley's Believe it or Not, and the Undersea Gardens while we were there too.

Skylar left me a wonderful message on the mirror after I got out of the shower one morning too!

The Greenstone Inn was so pretty too.  We loved the fact that it was right on the coast and we could hear the waves crashing at night while we slept.

The Titanic display was incredible   It even offered a small dish to feel how cold the water was for the ones that died that fate-filled night.  It was quite a learning experience for all of us.  

Skylar and I got our pictures taken.

And we played a few (frustrating) games.

Stopped at Whale Cove to take a few pictures.

I was a beautiful and fun weekend!

Eco-Tip:  Be sure and compost your dog and cat waste.  Using eco-friendly kitty litter and composting pet's waste is a great way to go green.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.

Spark of Loves this Week: Container, Restaurant, Warning, Cleaning, Pictures, Stamp, Boots, Image, Drinks, and Jewelry

This Container.

Because it's amazing and from a company called Vapur.  

This Restaurant.

Because it reminded me of something off of The Hangover and it made me laugh.  This one is located in Newport, Oregon.

This Warning.

Because 200lb. max is quite a lot.

This Cleaning.


Because my fan needed it, as you can see.

These Pictures.

Because my kid is a funny man.

This Stamp.

Because registering a bill through Where's George is a lot of fun.

These Boots.

Again!  I counted on my go-to boots this week.

This Image.

Because my son loves Star Wars and I found this picture on my camera again and smiled.

These Drinks.

Because it made for a fun night.

This Jewelry.

Because I made it and have no gotten back into making more for my Etsy shop.

Eco-Tip:  Teach your kids early on how to be more green.  Teach them simple tasks such as turning off lights when you leave a room, turning off water while brushing your teeth, and compost kitchen scraps whenever you can.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.

The green smoothie trend

There's a trend right now, which it should have been a trend all along, called the Green Smoothie.   There are all sorts of sites set up to help people drink and feel a lot healthier with the help of incorporating greens into your smoothie blends and drinking them daily.  

At this moment there is a challenge going on and it's called the 30-day Green Smoothie Challenge.


It is a challenge that goes from April 1-30th and it is a way to incorporate leafy greens more into our diet.  

There is also another challenge, involving green smoothies, called the Seven Day Green Smoothie Challenge over at ABpetite.

The benefits are amazing with the green smoothies and they can pretty much be anything you really want them to be.  I haven't joined either one of these challenges but I have been drinking a green smoothie daily since I read about them on Ashlee's blog.  I was curiously intrigued and just had to give it a try.  

Here is the smoothie recipe I have been making daily, and I will say, my complexion and energy are amazing since drinking these.

My green smoothies consist of:

• 2 cups of water
• 2 Granny Smith apples (cut into pieces and seeds removed)
• 2 Bananas
• The juice of 1 whole lemon
• 5 Celery stalks
• 2 handfuls of baby spinach leaves
• 8 leaves of Romaine lettuce
• 1 kiwi

I drink one of these for breakfast every morning along with a mug of warm lemon water and a mug of green tea.  It's a great kick start to my day and the best part is, it is very filling and tastes AMAZING!  

*I like the taste of celery, but if you don't you can put in or take away as much as you want.  Same with the other ingredients as well.

Find more Green Smoothie Challenge Recipes HERE!

Eco-Tip:  Try mixing vinegar and essential oils together to clean your home with.  The less chemical-laden cleaners you inhale the better your'll feel in the end.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.