Tired of being tired?

A frozen time here in Oregon

For the past few weeks freezing temperatures have hit Oregon and caused quite an icy time.  But through the course of the winter season, the temperatures have come up a bit and, believe it or not, I have seen the sun crest through the clouds a time or two lately.  I am really looking forward to spring, but according to , we are in for six more weeks of winter here on the Pacific Coast.

The birdbath was the most interesting frozen item throughout the yard.

...As you can see.  

Skylar had a sleepover during the time the temperature dipped down into the teens.  They all had fun breaking up the frozen ice along the walkway.

Everything was frozen and almost resembled an ice castle.  Even the water droplets on the grass were frozen.

And unfortunately, after the sleepover pals left Skylar game down with strep-throat.  What a bummer.  :-(

Eco-Tip:  Simplify your means of living.  Many, a lot of people live way above their means.  Simplifying your live with items you can do without is a great way to go green and mean it.  Be sure and donate to a local charity anything you part with that is in good condition.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.

It's Groundhogs Day!

It's Groundhogs Day! And according to ABC News,'Punxsutawney Phil' Predicts Early Spring, because he didn't see his shadow, but the groundhog, Jabari, at the Portland Zoo here in Oregon, did see his shadow Saturday at the Oregon Zoo . So according to the signs here in Oregon, we are in for six more weeks of winter, while the rest of the world will see an early spring. Ha! Darn, I was hoping for early sunshine.

Of course Groundhogs Day is quite a celebration all around the nation, it is best known for the popularity of the groundhog and it's ability to predict the seasons and how soon spring will come and winter will come to a close.  This day is best associated with top hats, and coats, and a smart look for anyone that's into the holiday completely.

There's many locations that are celebrating today and even tomorrow for the Superbowl.  The festivities will carry over into Sunday for some locations.  To find a location near you that's celebrating Groundhogs Day today, tonight, and even Sunday, check out this link HERE!

GROUNDHOG DAY BY MURRAY,BILL (Blu-Ray) (Google Affiliate Ad)

If you aren't into the top hats, top coats, or dress suit look, but still want to look your best for Groundhogs Day, check out some of these other Groundhog outfits that are prefect for the occasion.

I Love Groundhog Day Womens Pink T-Shirt (Google Affiliate Ad)

Happy Groundhog Day sweatshirt (Google Affiliate Ad)

Find more Groundhogs Day clothing and souvenirs HERE!

Join the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club HERE!

What did you do for Groundhogs Day?

Eco-Tip:  When it comes to taking trips, look to taking trips near your own home.  These trips are known as "Stay-Cations."  These stay-at-home vacations will not only save you money, but also help cut down on carbon emissions that are used to plane rides, car rides, and other forms of transportation options.  There are many, many outlets for trips to take near your own home that are overlooked everyday.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.

What was popular on Pinterest this week?

During the week I find Pinterest "pinning" quite relaxing.  Finding ideas for crafts, home schooling, children's clothing, women's styles, and even pins for lavender, rosemary, pom poms, and even decorating ideas that I never thought to dive into within my own home.  I find that even if I don't get to a craft, or decorating idea right away, it's nice to pin it for a later use on a rainy day here in Oregon.  Which is quite often here this time of year, I might add.  With all of these pins, I decided to add a weekly perk to my blog posts with "What was popular on Pinterest this week?"  So with all the pins I looked through this week here is what I found that was rather popular.

Spikes are in:

Spikes seem to be appearing on everything from shoes, to shoulder pads lately.  All of these styles below are from Threadsense, but many other companies are getting into the spiked crazy too!  Could you see yourself wearing these?

Find more Spiked Styles HERE!

Super Bowl Party Foods:

Football Tags for your beverages:  These are super easy to made and with the step-by-step tutorial from Scrappin Danielle you'll be making them with a snap.  

Football Truffles:  These are made with simple ingredients and as soon as you see how easy they are to make you'll be wondering why you haven't made them for every occasion.

Football Rice Krispie Treats:  This is a game day twist on an old classic.  Rice Krispies have been around since I was a kid and it's nice to still see them making an appearance other than when used on the Cake Boss hidden under modeling chocolate or Fondant.

Find more Superbowl Party Food Ideas HERE!

Paint Chip Crafts:

Paint Chip Chandelier:  This is amazing!  Simple idea put to work for an elegant craft.  It really is amazing what some people come up with when they just sit back and think about things and use their creativity.  I love it!

Paint Chip Favor Boxes:  I love giving handmade gifts and to be able to give them in a handmade box makes it even more amazing.  These little boxes are so fun to make and all it requires is cutting and folding.  Super easy, right?

Paint Chip Utensil Holder:  How clever is this?  Super neat and so creative.  These would work perfectly for a child's birthday party, or just an everyday lunch setting at work or in the park.  I can't wait to give this paint chip craft a go!

Paint Chip Garland:  I have just falling in love with Brit+Co lately.  From their Brit Kits to their modern, innovations to help everyone live a better, and easier life.  These Paint Chip Garlands are the sweetest and so super fun to make too.

Find more Paint Chip Crafts HERE!

Football Nail:

Football nails are all the rage right now all over Pinterest mainly because the Superbowl is on Sunday.  If you are looking to have a Superbowl Party, don't forget to put your Superbowl Nails on.  :-)

Field Goal Nails:  These seem quite easy to do with a simple green and brown nail and a white for the details.  They are super cute and give your nails that touch they need for any party or hosting of a party this weekend.

The Main Event Football Nails:  So of course the main event is the football regardless of the teams that go to the Superbowl and what better way to display the main event than with these nails.  Simple, yet makes a statement, don't you think?

Team "At Home" Cheerleader Nail Art:  Whether you are backing the Ravens or the 49ers, painting your nails your team colors will give you a head start on the rest of the fans.  These nails colors and art are easy to do and won't do anything more than show your team spirit.

Find more Super Bowl nail ideas HERE!

And don't forget the spiked nails!

What did you find popular on Pinterest that you loved?  

Eco-Tip:  Try to take public transportation at least twice a week instead of using your own vehicle.  Leaving your own car at home can cut down on carbon emissions by 1,500 pounds per year.  For this and other tips visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.

Did you celebrate National Backwards Day yesterday?

Here in our house we love it with National Backwards Day fever hit us.  Mainly because it's an excuse to do silly things outside the norm of our routine.  Here is what we did yesterday......

Parked the car backwards in the driveway and in the parking lot at the grocery store.

I got photo-bombed in one of the photos, as you can see.  Ha!

Wore our shirts backwards.

And Skylar tried to put his shoes on backwards, but it wasn't working.  haha!

Walked backwards to the "BACK" door.

We just had a lot of fun with it.  We tried to eat our dinner sitting backwards in the chair.  The sitting part worked, but the eating backwards was hard.  We wrote our names backwards, and even Skylar had the idea to sleep backwards in his bed.  Ha!

..........And said, "Yadsdrawkcablanoitanyppah to ya" to everyone we talked to!

What did you do to celebrate National Backwards Day?

Eco-Tip:  When it comes to gardening this season look to ways to be more earth-friendly with your gardening choices.  Look to biodegradable pest control and also look to ways to use biodegradable products when planting seedlings.  If you need a boost on ideas, look to the gardening boards on Pinterest.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.