Tired of being tired?

Five Simple Things (June 26)


This week was a bit better than the last. We had a small low-key Father's Day and drove over the pass to Bend to check out their "surfing" area. We didn't stop anywhere other than to get out and take a few pictures. We packed a small lunch and ate in the care while we were there. It was very calm and that's just how we liked it. We had a few milestones, I was able to get released to be able to take showers now and all of my bandages are off. I am really happy about this, so much so, when my surgeon told me, I started crying. My appointment checkups haven't been at the times that they are supposed to be because of the Coronavirus pandemic. But, my surgeon's office has done the best they can and I am extremely grateful for them and everything they have done for me to keep me safe and healthy during this time. On another note, the riots here in Portland, Salem, and even in our own city, are just getting to be too much. Parades of cars go driving through the city with flags and honking, and since I'm not sleeping that well anyway, it's starting to take a toll on me a bit. Jeff brought me some ear plugs, but it doesn't seem to help. People yelling and just the additional stress they are causing isn't okay. People are pissed, it's understandable, bit those not related to the issues are suffering, too. I just hope a compromise comes sooner than later. Over 200 people have died in the state of Oregon from the virus. Eviction notices were put on hold for tenants and landlords are able to apply for a relief package to help everyone. With people being laid off and furloughed, the world is weird right now. We've been getting some weird weather lately, too. Windy during the day and then getting darker than normal at night. I don't go outside much after 12:00 in the afternoon, because it's just too weird. I have been more tired than normal, but we must truck on. Jeff has been cooking dinner each evening to help keep us eating on a normal schedule. I took two showers this week, so things are looking up. Looking forward to my next checkup to see how things are progressing. And, one more thing, wear a mask. Don't be an asshole. 

1. This Bread.

Skylar and I have been doing some more quarantine baking this week. We are using some of our emergency stash of food to be able to make things. This week we made the banana bread recipe from the New York Times. I've found their recipes easy to follow and kind of "simple" for someone like me that hates cooking and tends to mess everything up. This banana bread was delicious!

2. This Surfing.

This is Whitewater Park in Bend where the Deschutes River flows through. The way the land and the bridge is laid out along the river it's created a surfing wave, of sorts, and is perfect for surfers to practice their surfing skills. It's a soft landing, too, if you happen to crash. It's one of the areas we are looking forward to trying in the future.

3. This Crabapple.

This was the first spring that it has bloomed. This is a Sugar Tyme Crabapple. It's blooms are pinkish white and flower in the spring to early summer. We got this at the Oregon State Fair when Skylar was about four years old and this is the first year we've seen blooms on it. We are going to try and replant it into a more stable container, and I hope we don't mess up the blooming. Fingers crossed we don't hurt it, because it is beautiful. 

4. This Giant Keg.

Not sure what this is going to be used for, display, beer, wine, who knows. But, we just loved it and turned around to just to snap a picture of it. I'd love to have a giant keg like this, but I'd fill it with lemonade, instead. 

5. This Walk.

Been doing a bit more getting out and about. Instead of running, I've been walking a bit. At the start of the week, as you can see, was less than half a mile, but on Thursday I decided to push myself a bit more and try to go longer. I'm hurting a bit today, but it was worth it. Hopefully, it will help me sleep better, too.

Positive affirmations this week: "What are some positives that you've added to your life?"
Well, as I've started to navigate myself more and shut out looking for validation from others I've found a few things that I love and can actually be thankful for. Of course, it took me 40 years to get to this point, I am the happiest I've been in a long time, mentally that is. Here are few things I've found to be a positive for me.
*1. Cooked new meals, or baked new things.
*2. Meditating on the deck in the sunshine.
*3. Practicing self love and better thoughts to myself.
*4. Dancing and ballet.
*5. Deep talks and connections with Skylar and Jeff. (they are my tribe)
*6. Taking time to look at the sky more. During the day when it's blue, or cloudy, and at night.
*7. Finding positives around me, even in people. Love actually is all around us, if we look.
*8. Telling people I love them, more. I try to tell Skylar that I love him every day, and I hug him. Same with Jeff. Showing appreciation for them makes them feel good and in turn makes me feel good.
*9. Holding onto the good things on the bad days, as much as I can.
*10. Knowing some good will come out of every struggle.

Have a nice weekend.

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