Tired of being tired?

Friday things

I realized, after the Minimal Monday post, that I haven't posted to the blog in two months. I left off with a "Friday things" post on January 13 and picked up with the last post, before this one, on March 13. Totally not planned. Honestly. But here we are, with another "Friday things" post and picking right back up where we left off. Of course, it is almost 9:00 p.m., so I am a bit late today. The sunshine will come to an end tonight and we are back to freezing temperatures again, but just for Saturday (as of right now) Blah! I saw on another blog I follow, that New York had snow. I am okay with winter when there is snow, but with just rain and cold, no way! I am so jealous that they have snow there again. Maybe we will get a grace of white once more before spring is officially over. We'll see.

These past few weeks have been up and down with political issues and I stood along with my sisters (and brothers) during the Womens' March and again I stood along side my fellow Native Americans and protested-and cried-when the order to complete the DAPL was given. I also was present when Day Without a Woman hit on International Womens' Day and in my own way, I didn't answer text, emails, phone calls, or even the door. And right along side me was The Mr. and The Bean. My husband stands beside me in the same beliefs that women are equal and not below, and definitely not behind men. The Mr. and I have also raised our son to honor, and lift up the women in his life. The Bean knows what's right and that all beings are equal on this planet. It's crazy to think that the earth is one giant mass that we all live on and all can appreciate, but here we are downgrading others, treating others with so much disrespect, and building walls between us like we own the earth in some way. People argue that there are ones coming into countries to do harm that aren't citizens of those countries, but my thought on that is this, there are people, especially in the United States, that are born and raised here that want to do just as much, if not more, harm than those seeking refuge. Nothing can stop violence. Violence is an unfortunate part of our world, but we can change the way we deal with violence. Targeting a group based on their beliefs, their gender, their country, their job, their place in society is and never will be the correct way to deal with violence. These are my thoughts on the last few weeks. I am just a blogger, but I truly believe that hate is a horrible, nasty, soul-eating force. It will consume you in the end if you don't stop it on your own. The best place to start is your own thoughts. Stop yourself from seeing the negative. Change one thing about how you view others. If you always see the negative, you will always see the negative.

Here are the things that made my week worthwhile.

1. Bicycling.

We've been out and about on our bikes a lot more lately. With the actual "winter" being over here we can leave the house without getting wet or frozen. Seems contradictory to my above statement of wanting more snow, but it is what it is. The Bean and I have been riding to meet The Mr. after he gets off of work on random days. We ride on a main highway without bike lanes too. -Living on the edge and stuff, you know. In all honesty, I prefer to ride on the highway more than in town here. Not a bike friendly area by any means. Which is a shame, because the next town over is a bike friendly community.

There are still times that we ride in town and just have to let it be. The last ride we took some lady yelled from a car, "You're obstructing traffic, get off the road, it's illegal." Not exactly sure what that means, but apparently she doesn't know the laws. We just kept pedaling and enjoying the sunshine on our faces as we passed other car drivers looking all scour-faced at us.

The Bean got some new lights for the back of his bike. When he rides by fast, it turns into something sort of sci-fi-ish.

...And don't forget to check out this month's reading selection. "Hello Bicycle" by Anna Brones. Pretty informative if you are wanting to get a move on by way of bicycle. You can find the information about it here.

2. Planting.

I've been in a springtime-planting-mood lately and I have already planted some seeds indoors. The Mr. and The Bean bought me a greenhouse this past Valentine's Day, but it's still not time to put them out yet. In the meantime, my little seeds are sitting on a small table indoors and are peeking out of the soil slowly and any sunny day we have I take them outside to soak in the warmth and light. The picture above is from our local co-op and is their "living wall." I admire it so much every time we go grocery shopping. I think one similar would look awesome with a bunch of herbs growing in it. 

3. Houses.

The Mr. and I have been eyeballing some tiny homes lately and have started to draw up some plans of our own. We are still on a hunt for some land out of Linn County and have had some good options, like this one, but nothing exactly how we want it yet. The hunt continues, but in the meantime, we have a good start on some floor plans and the book below helped us in that area. The house pictured above is in Corvallis, Oregon, and was built completely by the owner-one reclaimed board at a time. I feel, every time we see it, that it is a great role model of a house and owner, on where we want to go with our plans.

4. Minimizing.

Still at it here and I have started a series on my blog that I will post to every Monday on minimizing called Minimal Monday. So I am excited about that. Last Monday was the first one and it was on clothing. If you missed it, you can find it here.

And a gentle reminder...

5. Yogi Surprise and Mighty Nest.

Great items this month! I am loving the body butter. You can sign up through the ad spot on the right-hand side of the blog, or here.

And the Mighty Fix for March was Meliora All-Purpose Home Cleaner and a refill of the Soap Flakes to make another bottle's worth . Awesome stuff! Sign up for the Mighty Fix here.

A few things I want to mention:

1. This Bench.

Placed on the Lake Quachita Vista Trail in Arkansas by my dad and the group that maintains the trail (The Trail Dogs). It is there to honor my late grandmother, Wanda Hardage, who passed away on April 16, 2011.

2. This Special.

My mom's cafe, Crystal Springs Mercantile and Cafe, had a special on my mom's amazing chicken and dumplings and I demanded asked that they be named after me. Seriously though, my mom named them after me because I could eat them all day, every day. It's awesome to know that something bares my name there and it makes me tear up to know that I have a mark in the cafe in some way. I hope the customers ordering them enjoy them as much as I do.

3. This Car.

We ended up donated her to OPB (Oregon Public Broadcasting), which is PBS (Public Broadcasting). It was sad to see her go, but it was a necessary thing in order for us to minimize excess that we don't need. We are a one-car-family anyway, so it just made sense. The best part, when she sells at auction, the price that she sells for we get a tax deduction.

4. Yogi Surprise and Mighty Nest

I really have to mention these two. The February Yogi Surprise Lifestyle Box and the Yogi Surprise Jewelry Box's for the month were fantastic. As posted above, you can sign up through the ad spot on the right-hand side of the blog, or here.

Not a dull item in the box.

I have to say, the favorite thing from these boxes was the chocolate.

Mighty Nest was another one that hit the mark in February too.

Metal drinking straws. Always a plus! You can sign up for the Mighty Fix here.

5.  This Flower Stand.

Super cute!

One last thing, our new dinning room table has been a blessing. "around the dinner table" now all comes together. Spending time at the table is an amazing thing. Most families don't even eat at the table unless it's a holiday. Screens/electronics are a distraction and I feel that kids, and adults alike, need less screen time and more togetherness. Of course, if you are sitting at the table eating a meal while reading my blog, I thank you, but really, this post, my blog, and my thoughts are plastered on this screen-they will be here after you're finished. I promise. Enjoy your table time, together time, and your family. Life truly is so short. Kiss and hug, and tell people you love them often. And most of all, tell people you appreciate them in your life. One thing I wish I could give people more of is appreciation. Love is one thing, but appreciating someone is quite another. It's a great feeling! Don't take people for granted. "Love people and use things. The opposite never works." -The Minimalist.  So use the table and love and appreciate the ones that gather 'round it. 
Have a great weekend!

Minimal Monday: Clothing

We've been on quite a mission here in the SNS house. Downsizing clothes is something of a task really, especially when clothing is something of a need over a want. But the difference is controlling what wants we think we need and actually keeping our clothing to minimum. And it is easier than it seems.

Some minimalist stick to the 333 Rule, or the 30 for 30 (30 x 30), but others might stick to a stricter regimen of clothing rules and only keep maybe 20-30 items. Those items would include; shoes, belts, and other accessories that are needed to get through your weeks. For example, having three black dresses may seem practical, but when you're only wearing one and the other two just sit in your closet, the practicality of it all seems redundant.

We have adopted the backward hanger approach, after downsizing a lot. The Mr. has even been able to let go if his hockey jersey collection in the process-a total of seven jerseys. His loose plan for them was to wear them to hockey games, or hang onto them for memories of hockey games he had been at in the past. The problem was, we haven't been to a hockey game in over eight years, and his memories of the games are just that, memories and a few pictures in the photo box. So letting go of them was the best plan. -Which is a big deal-really. The Mr. and I both never push each other to let go of things that the other feels shouldn't be held onto. We give each other ample time to let go of our "precious" things in our own time. It does come, it just take a bit longer to let go of some things. I feel the key to minimizing with a family is to not push the other. The Bean's baby items were something I've held onto for 13 years now, but in the long run, I have cut back from two large totes to a small bag of little things that I just can't let go of. The Mr. has a few things that he is holding onto and we are both okay with that.

Letting go of the little things has been bit of a struggle and we really do have a ways to go still in our house. Clothing-which includes, for us, shirts, pants, socks, undies, shoes, pajamas, ties, etc., have all been downsized over the course of the last year, and organized to who needs what and why. If an article of clothing hasn't been given reason for keeping, out it goes. We donate what we can't use or make a reason to keep it in our home.

Here's a breakdown of what we have done so far. This may work for you, or the other plans may be something you could use to help you break down your clothing. FYI: This plan works for kids and teenagers too. Teaching them what's important is what's important.

• Shirts: Two for dress     Five for t-shirts/other
• Pants:  Two for dress     Three for other (jeans, etc.)
• Socks:  Five for regular wear     Two for boot/warmth/wool
• Undies:  Eight total     (sometimes this slips up to 10, but no more than that)
• Shoes:  Five total     (still working on pairing down, but it's a work in progress)
• Pajamas: Two total
• Ties: Two total (The Mr. let go of all of his ties, but The Bean still has two)

If you were keeping count, the total here is 36. I feel we could do a bit better, but for now this is what works for us.

One more thing, we don't store or separate warm and cold weather clothing in our house. We hang, or fold all of them together. and that's the total number of all of our clothing for all seasons.

Hopefully, these tips can help you gain some control of your clothing during your minimizing process. The best advice we can give from the SNS house is to not give into consumerism and buy things you don't need, you don't really want, and stop trying to impress other people with your clothing. It will always leave you feeling like you and nothing you wear is enough. Be practical, think practical, and live practical.

Road Trip: Yurt/Coast

This past weekend we took a much-needed road trip and camping trip to the coast. The get-away was a nice break from the "city" life here and I will admit, we were in need of a break from the day-to-day hustle and bustle. We ended up staying in a yurt-named Sixes-right by the beach and the best part was-peace and quiet with only the sound of the rain at night. It was perfect! -We also participated in the Stronger Together March in Newport while we were there.

We got the keys to the yurt and had a lot of daylight still left, so we walked around the park a bit to learn the layout and see what we could find. The walk from the yurt to the beach wasn't a long one, but the rain came and it pushed us back into the yurt for the night. The sound of the rain hitting the sunlight dome on top was a relaxing sound. Just what we needed.

Our dogs are always game for a road trip!

The following morning we woke up and participated in the Stronger Together March n Newport, Oregon. 

It was a great opportunity to participate in something that we feel so strongly about. The Mr. standing beside me made me feel appreciated and it was an honor to be part of a great group of people standing up for what is morally, ethically, and humanly right for our nation and the rest of the world. 

After the march we spent a few hours down by the beach. The rain came off and on, but overall it was a pretty nice day.


Nothing makes a rainy day better than some beach-side ice cream. 

The rain held off long enough for The Mr. to grill us up some dinner and Baz was ready to crash out for all of the walking during the march. I'll admit, we were all ready to crash by the time we laid down inside the yurt.

The following morning we headed over to the showers and wash up for the day and ate some early lunch at a place called The Deep End Cafe. There bay shrimp cocktails were delicious!


Beach artwork is some of the best!

Before heading home we had to eat at the famous Mo's Restaurant. It wasn't raining so the view of the coast was magnificent! 

The Yaquina Bay Lighthouse | Active 1871-1874

The new highway sign that sits in Newport, Oregon. Maybe a road trip soon?

Friday things

It's Friday the thirteenth today. I don't have paraskavedekatriaphobia, but I am going to stay curled up in bed all day, and probably most of the three day weekend, to watch "The Office" and relax. The SNS household is still nursing our bout of the flu and as of right now we are on the uphill climb out of it. I feel like we've been sick for weeks. And we have, but that aside, we are getting better. We have been diffusing tea tree oils and eucalyptus to help keep the air clean. Here's to positive, healing thoughts. Unfortunately, all of the snow is gone as of today and we here in the SNS house are pretty bummed. Up toward Washington they got over a foot and a half and we are extremely jealous! But then again, we are wanting to see more of the sun too, so I guess we need to pick a side. Anyway, here are the things that made this week great.

1. The snow

Of course, I have to share the snow that we did get.

2. Snow ice cream

With all of the snow we had we thought, why not.

Here's how it's made:
• 8 cups packed snow (make sure this is not the first fallen snow of the year. Wait until the third or fourth fall of the year, it's cleaner.)
• 3 cups whole milk
• 4 tbs. pure vanilla extract
• 1 cups of sugar (more if you have a sweet tooth)
• Blend together in a blender and freeze for 20 minutes.

3. Slow-cooker stew

I threw together a quick "stew" earlier in the week and we ate on it a few days while we were under the weather. It consisted of stew meat (could use chicken, or noodles in place of the beef), baby carrots, peas, corn, vegetable stock (32 ounces), and a handful of small red potatoes. Cook in the slow cooker for about three to four hours on high. Salt and pepper to taste, and serve.

4. Chickadees

The Bean threw some birdseed in the front yard after the snowfall and the chickadees had a party.

5. Minimal thought

The minimal journey is still going strong here. We have really been cleaning out and downsizing a lot and it feels great! 

Have a great three day weekend!