Tired of being tired?

Tis the season for Slip-n-Slides

Super fun!

It was also a great weekend for watermelon too!

Eco-Tip:  If you have a pool and keep up the maintenance on your own consider using only baking soda to balance out the Ph level instead of chemicals and bleach products.  Monitor it daily or at least once a week to stay up on where it should be to keep the water clean.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.

Park play at Ralston Park

This time of year we love to take walks and visit the local park.  As you can see from our previous posts here on South North South, we love to take a walk to Ralston Park a lot.  We live a block away from the park and it's so pretty this time of year.

Eco-Tip:  Take a stay-cation around your own area.  A stay-cation is a trip to a location within 50 miles of where you live.  Stay-cations are becoming more and more popular for families to save money and also enjoy what's in your own backyard.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.

The roses of Ralston Park

Eco-Tip:  Having planted flower that are native to your area are a great way to bring more native pollinators to your garden and keep them coming back.  Look for what plants are native to your area by visiting Plant Native.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.

Fourth of July this year was a SNAP!

Our last Fourth of July here in Oregon was a super fun!  We did our normal routine of BBQ, shooting off our own stash of fireworks, and heading out to the Fourth of July Celebration to watch the fireworks the city sets off.  It was a great night! 

The front door was all "flagged" out for the Fourth!

He headed to the local firework stand and pick up a few fireworks.  This year we went with the large sparklers.  

Unfortunately, Skylar learned the hard way on why you shouldn't swing around sparklers after they are done burning.  He was swinging it and it came back and hit him in the mouth.  :(