Tired of being tired?

Five Simple Things (December 8)


Here are five things this week.

1. These Danishes.

I experimented this week with making homemade cheese Danishes. I used ready-made croissant dough and worked with cream cheese and powdered sugar to our taste and baked them from the time on the dough packaging. The top drizzle I used a simple white icing recipe of powdered sugar and milk. They were good and definitely will be something I repeat again soon.

2. This light.

We lit the first candle for Hanukkah this week (December 7). We always let Skylar light the candles and spend the first night celebrating as a family without screens, or phones.

3. This bus.

4. This growth.

After the 2020 wildfires here in the Willamette Valley I was worried about a lot of my plants not making it. We lost some longtime plants and trees that we are still upset about to this day. One being our beloved Crabapple Tree that we tried to move during the fires and one of the main roots got damaged and it ultimately died. That one still hurts, because the spring before it bloomed beautiful pink and white blooms and was showing us all its colors. I will mourn that tree until the end of my days. But, our ornamental grasses have slowly been making a comeback. This one already has shown it's green and white blades and I was so happy to see it this week making a slow, but strong comeback. This is 'Cabaret' Miscanthus, for the curious.

5. This lighting..

The second candle lighting happened on December 8 this week.

One last thing:

Would you pass or fail the shopping cart test. I will always pass this test no matter where or what store I'm at. It's a habit to always do the right things, even when no one is watching. What you do when no one is around to see you, is a taste of your own character. I have seen even family members fail this test. Having and taking pride in yourself is the most important step in being a good person. Kindness and humility are free, you just have to want to change and be a good person.

Positive affirmations this week:

Foods that help with the "blues."

•Berries (frozen): polyphenols, fiber; Improves digestion and gut health, boosts mental health, reduced inflammation.

•Fermented Foods: high in probiotics and beneficial bacteria; Immune support, improvement of gut microbiota.

•Dark, Leafy Greens (kale, collards, etc.): fiber, vitamin K1, calcium; Cognitive health, immune support, reduced risk of osteoporosis, and heart disease.

•Fatty Cold-Water Fish (salmon, sardines, herring, etc.): healthy fats (EFA), protein, vitamin D; Immune support.

•Pumpkin Seeds, Dark Chocolate, Avocados: magnesium, healthy fats; Nervous system regulation, could improve sleep.

•Vitamin D-fortified foods, UV-treated Mushrooms: vitamin D; Improved calcium absorption, immune support.

Have a nice weekend.

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