Tired of being tired?

Five simple things


We are in the middle of yard sale weekend right now and rounding out the four days with Sunday. We are selling a lot of our home furnishings and odds and ends that we no longer can justify having. We are hoping to downsize a lot more later on, but right now is a great start in the process. I even sold our old treadmill to an 91 year old woman looking to keep moving every day. She really gave us some sound advice and said, "Movement is life." Amen to that, and cheers to her for being a great role model in the game of live.

Here are five simple things that made this week great.

1. This eco-dough...

Because it's better all the way around.

2. This fork...

Sometimes the Willamette Valley has some unusual stops along the way. This picture was taken when The Bean headed out for the day with his grandma and took in some of these unusual places.

3. This sign...

More and more farms are in cooperation with Organic Valley and more people are realizing that organic is better for your health and the environment. This particular farm is located in Scio, Oregon.

4. These hops...

Siuslaw Brewery's hops are in full bloom.

A few more things:

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