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Our Garden Currently: Lots in Bloom

I have been so pleased with the raised bed-type of gardening we went with this year. We have had such great fun with them and even more fun watching everything start to bloom. The honeybees have been partying all over the flowers and I have enjoyed watching them hum about as I do weed control in some of the beds. I randomly sprinkled herb seeds throughout the beds this year too, just to see what I would get and even the herbs like, dill, cilantro, and chives have thrived in the beds too.

Dill growing between the carrot rows.
Yellow Squash and Zucchini Blooms

Cucumber Blooms
Mini Pumpkins
Irregular Gourds

Yellow Squash

Yellow Squash


Snap Peas
Full view of the garden and raised beds

Birdhouse Gourds
FYI:  We don't eat radishes, we only plant this to attract pollinators and to keep the snails off our other plants.  IT WORKS!

Watermelon and Large Pumpkins

I am looking forward to harvesting a lot of good stuff here real soon and canning a few of them for over the winter.  We have already been able to pick a few peas here and there, but I can't wait till I get to steam some yellow squash and beans for dinner and pickle some cucumbers.

Eco-Tip:  Consider unplugging certain appliances when you leave for an extended trip or vacation.  Large appliances and even some smaller ones, like your television, draw unneeded electricity if when they are turned off.  For more tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.


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