Tired of being tired?

Five Simple Things (December 18)


We have been going through our two Christmas boxes this week and getting rid of a lot of it. I haven't been into the holidays for the past three or four years now. I honestly am just blah about holiday time and the decorations over the years have just been sitting in a box in the attic. So, this week we decided to remedy that and only keep things that have earned a place in our house. Some older decorations, like bubble lights I've had since my first Christmas tree in my first place didn't make the cut. They are cool, but I haven't put them on our tree in several years, so I decided to just let them go. Other decorations that I didn't buy myself, and weren't my style ended up in the donation box, as well. We ended up getting a fake tree this year because I just haven't had the energy to do much since my surgery. It's slowly coming back, but isn't 100% yet. Other than minimizing holiday décor, we've been having a mellow week. We were hoping for a bit of snow, but nothing has been seen so far. Oh, well...maybe sometime after the new year we will see some flurries. My anxiety issues have been intense lately and I've done everything I can think of to calm myself down. The breathing techniques I've learned have helped a bit, but I'm hoping once the new year comes and we put some time between 2020 it will help. Here are five things this week.

1. This Award.

Of all the years he gave up his own time to the community, he was finally recognized for his dedication. We are so proud of him!

2. This Calendar. 

This was the first year that we've tried a countdown calendar for Skylar. We filled the little bags with gift cards, candy, school supplies, and a few random notes from Jeff and me. Skylar loved it and even though he is older, it's still something we will continue into the future.

3. This Kitty.
She's finally over her cough she had this past season. We think it was smoke-related. It's unfortunate how many animals suffered this past season. Our animals were taken care of, but I think about all the ones that weren't. It's been a rough year all the way around.

4. This Peeler.
Our vegetable peeler broke this week. It was a peeler we've had for at least 10 years, so it was a bummer that it broke. The head of the peeler was getting a bit rusty and overtime I guess the stress of that snapped it. But, I found this one from Honsen and we just love it. And, it's perfect timing for Christmas coming up and the simple dinners we do. You can get the same one here.

5. These Edibles.

Still looking into ways to control panic issues. The dispensary recommended these and they are okay. They taste good, but overall they don't quite take the edge off like I'm looking for. 

The new way to see Santa this year.
Positive affirmations this week:

Have a nice weekend.

Five Simple Things (December 11)


We put out a podcast this week, but other than that, we did nothing. Well, we did clean up some of the backyard more and placed more things out curbside. We are getting to the point where we are happy with the downsizing we've done do far in the yard and the garage. There is still more to go, but we are definitely able to let go easier than we thought. We got rid of an air compressor, a smoker, a gazebo structure, lawn chairs, weed eater, garden structures and decorations, garden tools, an outdoor rug, and a few other things. Oddly enough, the moment we set all of it out on the curb with free on it, it was gone in less than an hour. We hope it comes in handy for people to use and helps someone out during this time. It's not much, but who knows, everyone can use something, sometimes. Here are five things this week.

1. This Picture.

My "Aunt" Paula sent me this picture this week and I think it's fantastic! It's a picture of my cousins and me at some random relatives get-together; probably Easter. The dresses we have on were Easter dresses, but I could be wrong. My aunt said it was one she found going through things. She's always good about sending surprise pictures to me and making me smile and remember things as a child. I hope I get all of her pictures, at least the ones that I'm in, when she is gone. She has some good ones. I'm the one on the right-hand side. The only girl smiling and facing "a" camera. (My sister is the one rolling her eyes; Typical)

2. This Kitty.

With the little bit of sunshine this week this little kitty took advantage and so did I. I wish we had snow, but I will take the sun, too.

3. This Sky.

Definitely liking seeing the blue skies over what happened this year. It's nice to see the sun coming out and bright and warm over orange, red, and blocked by smoke.

4. This Snack.

I've been getting my appetite back slowly from my surgery and this has become my go-to snack since then. It's either apple and peanut butter or graham crackers and peanut butter. And, I always love a nice glass of cold milk. 

5. This Coloring.

Skylar gave it to me on one of my really bad mental health days. It hangs next to my bed and I look at it and I'm reminded that it will get better. I love him so much!

Our recent episode of our podcast is out. This episode is on Delphine LaLaurie and the Cajun south of Louisiana. You can check it out here, or click on the Podcast link at the top of my blog. 

One last thing: I received a test product from Influenster this week. It's the Pond's Rejuveness Skin Tightening Serum. I've been using it for a few days now and I do see some subtle results, especially around the neck and chest area. I do like how it feels on the skin, though. Influenster sent me this free for testing purposes and you can sign up to become and Influenster, too, here. You can also purchase this serum here and test it our for yourself.
Positive affirmations this week:  
Always lead in your own direction. Don't wait to be told what to do with what's best for your life.

Have a nice weekend.

Day trip to Camp Sherman/Metolius River

Skylar and I took another day trip to Camp Sherman. We stopped along the way to take a few pictures around the area. It was such a nice day, even with some areas having snow on the ground. Camp Sherman is an area hidden within the Cascade Mountain Range and the Metolius River runs down the middle. It's an unincorporated area and there's plenty of camping, a store, RV park, and even a resort and other lodging. It's a beautiful area and even more beautiful after it has snowed. 

Five Simple Things (December 4)


We were hoping for snow this week, but no dice. Hopefully we get some, but doesn't look like it. I've lived here over 15 years now and the snow used to come closer to Christmas and the New Year, then it slowly started coming closer to February, and now the past few years it doesn't come at all. With the intense wildfires this past summer, people that claim global warming isn't real I just want to look at them and ask, "where the hell do you live that you can't see the change?" Maybe that's too blunt, but how dumb can you really be? Humans are causing it with our destruction on the planet and the not caring about what they are doing. I switched many years age, about 10, to cloth menstrual pads and when I was on Facebook I posted the change proudly. It shocked me how many people stated that it was gross and that they don't mind certain things going to the landfill. My own sister even. I was saddened by their responses. If one person doesn't mind non-compostable items going to the landfill times that by 1 million people. That's a lot of destruction on the planet by just one single item. I blame their thoughts on mostly habit and complacency. Not caring enough to change is a huge issue with a lot of things, really. Hopefully over time people's thoughts will change. With my sister, her thoughts will change when most of the people she is around do it because she's a follower. Then she'll come back and say she thought of it first. Well, whatever floats your boat and gets you to be more environmentally friendly, say whatever you want. We can't make change without some sort of change anyway. I do hope she comes around and makes some positive changes with her lifestyle. Here are five things this week.

1. This Set.

Our longtime used spatula finally took a dive and broke. We've had it for at least 10 years and it was a real bummer that it broke, but we did find some proper replacements. These are Hibachi spatulas and are made to take a beating. They are Leonyo griddle spatulas and can be used on cast iron, too. You can snag the set here.

2. This Kitty.

With the wildfire smoke gone there's still lasting affects with our pets. Poor Eleven has been coughing, but she's getting better with her breathing. Hopefully, she's able to clear it out completely soon and won't require a trip to the veterinarian. 

3. This Print.

We took a trip to IKEA to get a few things and on the way to the checkout line we saw this deer print. Since Skylar was about seven years old he started wanting to be called The Deer. We took a trip to Sun River and there were deer all over. Even in the front lawn of the house we stayed in. Ever since that trip, Skylar has been nicknamed Deer. This print caught our eye and we loved how clean and simple it was.

4. These Bracelets.

Our wildfire support bracelets came a few weeks ago and we are super pleased with the fact that our purchase goes to help with the wildfire efforts this year. 

5. This Ride.

I have not felt like riding my bike lately, but Jeff and Skylar have been going, but this past week I decided to join them. With learning to surf and other health reason, I've lost interest in bike riding lately. I'm not sure if that feeling will come back where I ride on a regular basis, but I will join them at random times when I feel like a surge of energy. I prefer the feeling of water under my feet more than pedals. 

I also received the December Yogi Surprise this week. It was a great collection of items and products to enhance my yoga practice and all around well being.

Positive affirmations this week: "How do you handle anger and frustration?"
Crying and talking it out. Honestly, I don't get angered a lot anymore and just try to approach the setback, or emotion from a logical angle. The only thing that seems to push me to the point where I end up getting frustrated is other people and their judgement, or shitty behavior. I feel that selfishness is a huge issue with a lot of people anymore. And, I'm not talking about selfcare type of selfishness, I am talking about the can't be bothered with your life selfishness. There's a bold line between focusing on yourself and treating others like crap. Unfortunately, I share blood with some of these people and that only is frustrating and at times confuses me a great deal. I do not let people anger me, though. They do not get that power or control over me. I end up getting upset, trying to figure out how I can respond differently to their comments or actions, and in the end I talk it out with those that love me and I learn better ways of handling it. On a side note: Even if you are related to the "problem" people, you have a choice in distancing yourself from them and their behavior. No matter what they try to tell you in a manipulative/gaslighting way, you ALWAYS have a choice. 

Have a nice weekend.