Tired of being tired?

Five Simple Things (February 7)


This week was a bit better than last week, less rain, and that's always a plus during the winter months. I went for a consultation for an upcoming surgery I have in March, and it went well. (More on this later). Other than that, we are looking forward to spring coming and hopefully this Coronavirus pandemic doesn't get any worse than it already is. The stories of some of the countries is just awful. They claim it's similar to the flu, but on a more worse scale of sickness, and breathing issues along with the illness. I can't imagine. I hope things don't get worse here in the United States. But, for now, here are five things that brought a bit of simplicity to my week.

1. This Sunset.

On a day trip back from Timberline Lodge, I quickly snapped this sunset picture. It's not the best, but it's worth sharing and was beautiful to see. "Pink sky at night, sailors' delight."

2. These Running Days.

Been knocking out some miles running, slowly. I'm mostly trying to build my body up for my upcoming surgery. I'd like to drop a few more pounds in order to be able to bounce back better. Over the past two years I've lost a total of 68 pounds. This coming surgery is the last step in my journey to help my body as I age. I will be doing a blog post on this as soon as I am fully recovered and feel comfortable about sharing my progress. But, for now, I will say, the running and miles I'm logging, are a great start.

3. Another Selfie. 

Getting a bit more comfortable with it. Still on the fence, but according to Jeff, and Skylar, I should share more of my face. For now, I am okay with it, but I reserve the right to change my mind.☻

4. This Santa.

Was trying to sell this Santa Clause since Christmas on Craigslist, but no one liked the $75 price tag. I have since pulled the ad and will hang onto him for a bit longer. Eleven seems to like him, though.

5. This Star.

We don't eat fast food much, but I just had to stop and take a picture of this tree "star." I got even more pictures up close to see exactly how they achieved this, and I am absolutely going to duplicate this in the future. This was at a Carl's Jr. location in Wilsonville, Oregon. I love unique and original ideas and this is definitely one of my favorites, that I've seen.

Have a nice weekend.

Day Trip Through The Snow

Skylar and I took off once more and decided to hit all of the snow spots that are popular here in Oregon. We went over the Cascade Mountain Range, to Mount Bachelor, and back to Hoodoo Ski Area to check out the night skiing. It was a fun day trip and we played in the snow and pretty much enjoyed a lot of the unseen parts of Oregon, especially the night skiing at Hoodoo.

Hoodoo Ski Area

Mount Washington

View of the Cascade Mountain range near Sisters, Oregon.

Mount Bachelor

Night skiing at Hoodoo Ski Area on top of the Cascade Mountains

Five Simple Things (January 31)


What a crazy week. First there was rain, then it sleeted, then it rained for three days straight, then the sun came out and almost got the temperature up to 70 degrees. It's almost as if the weather can't decide what it wants to do. We are looking forward to spring here, though, because winters in the Willamette Valley seem to drag on and on and can sometimes, as I've stated in previous posts, affect your mood a great deal. When you're already a bit depressed, that weather change can definitely take a toll on you. Overall though, it's nice to know that better weather is on the way, and the sun will peek out for days at a time, instead of short moments at a time. That aside, here are five things that sort of made this week feel less blah.

1. This Rainbow.

One good think with all of the rain, there are a few rainbows here and there. We like to call rainbows we see, a sign that Baz is saying hello, or is with us. The day after he died, there was a bright, big, beautiful rainbow in the sky, and ever since then, we like to think it's him. It helps us through tough times where we miss him. People that don't like pets, or never had a pet, just don't understand that hole in your heart. Animals are only here for a short time, but when they leave us, it is so hard to fill that void. I will never be the same. Baz was my buddy and I miss him every day. The worst part of having a pet, is when their time is up and they leave us.

2. Lebanon Fire District.
Jeff was driving this fire truck and we randomly came across him when Skylar and I were headed out of town. It was kind of a moment of, "Hey that's Jeff!" He hasn't really been feeling the same enthusiasm for the fire department since 2018. He applied to be a lieutenant and other people, less deserving of that position, were chosen over him. There are certain times where it pains me to see Jeff upset, and that night was one of those times. He cried. A lot. And, said that he can't believe he wasn't considered. He goes on calls and takes over certain times when other lieutenants don't step up, he trains new recruits, he puts his time and effort into the department, and it was all for nothing, he says. It is upsetting, but the positive I told him is, take your skills and your knowledge, and apply at a different department that will appreciate you. No one deserves to feel unwanted, and unfortunately, the lieutenant testing with the LFD proved that for him. He will be putting in his letter of resignation sometime in the spring of 2021. I support him in his decision, but it is sad. Sad because, Jeff's passion is fire fighting and to be pushed aside like he was, is not easy to forgive. I hope in the future, the Lebanon Fire District at least remembers what a great volunteer they lost in Jeff.

3. This Sink.

We've been in the process of replacing broken, and older, items in this house. It's kind of a stressful situation, as we don't own this home and only rent it. Positive is, we are able to replace things slowly to what we like. Bad thing is, Jeff's parents owns this home and we actually pay rent to cover these costs. The bathroom is the first on our list of things. This sink is the new sink, and having to rip out the old, water-damaged, particle board sink and cabinet that were here, was no easy task. We will work on the bathroom floor next and also the floor overall. Followed by a good paint job and then the molding. One step at a time. Hopefully, when we move out into a new place, they will appreciate everything we've replaced, fixed, and spent our own money on. But, we never know with them, so fingers are crossed.

4. This Game.

I found this string game at one of the local thrift stores here and we are kind of excited to try it out. It seems like a simple concept, metal ring, on a rope, that you swing and try to catch it on a hook. Simple things like this are one of my vices. I foresee us having a lot of fun with this overall and I can not wait to play a few rounds.

5. This Shadow.

I couldn't help but take a picture of this perfect shadowed silhouette of Eleven on the bedroom door. She was looking up at the closet, probably contemplating whether she should just up there and knock a bunch of stuff down, but it was still the perfect silhouette of her and I love it.

Have a nice weekend.

Foggy Road Trip

We decided to take a road trip in and around Multnomah Falls. I love the fog, as proof here, but I was delighted to see so much of it around the falls and throughout the mountain drive there. It was almost like driving through a dream in some places, and Skylar and I really loved the view, as well as the drive through and around the foggy mountainside. Oregon has some beautiful areas and to have a chance to escape from the people of the city into the less populated areas is always nice. Road trips, even just day trips, are one of our favorite things to do, and Oregon never disappoints.