Tired of being tired?

A season of baseball

We wrapped up our season of baseball for the year.  Skylar's team did great, but unfortunately no games were won.  This team was sort of a throw-away team with no coach at the beginning of the season and thanks to Jeff stepping up to coach, the boys were able to play.  The team was made up of a lot of kids that were either, fresh to baseball, or had taken a few years off from playing (Skylar).  The improvement of the players throughout the season was awesome to see!

Our season was full of a lot of great things.  Kids coming into baseball and falling in love with the sport, shy kids coming out of their element and making new friends, an Arkansas family surprise, and Skylar diving deeper into his game and getting better with batting.  We also found out this season, from Skylar hitting, that he needed glasses.  It was a baseball season to remember!

Jeff hitting to the outfield.

Skylar played third base this season and was a champ at scooping up grounders.

Team encouragement, even at practice, was always a plus!

Great group of boys! We hope to see them all next spring!

We wrapped up the end of the baseball year with a bowling party for the boys, courtesy of the Lebanon Boys and Girls Club.  It was a great way to end the season!

You can follow our baseball season on Jeff's coaching blog here.
We can't wait until next season!  

Five simple things

Hello.  Happy Saturday!  Hope your week was great!  Here are the things that made my week awesome!

1.  These Veggies.

Because they came straight out of our organic garden and were delicious!

2.  This Cookie.

Because it was baked in a cast iron skillet and was perfect just the way it is.

3.  These Clouds.

Because it was a storm coming and I was hoping it brought thunder, but it just brought rain and some wind.  Maybe next time. 

4.  This Flower.

Because it kind of marked the end of summer for us here in the Valley.  

5.  This Yard.

Because I did a little experiment this past summer by running the water sprinkler every day for an hour on the grass.  It didn't seem to go brown, but the water bill was a little bit out of control.  I think next year, I will let the grass go brown.  

Five simple things

Yay for the weekend!  So glad this week has come to an end.  It was one of those weeks where I felt like it would never end.  We had a great week though and I can't wait for this weekend!  Here are the things that made my week awesome!

1.  This Movie Date.

Because we enjoy the local, small theater here in town.  They have some really near lobby displays all the time.  The displays change once a month/or so, and are always really interesting.  We went to see Fantastic Four and in the lobby this month was the Wizard of Oz display and Sammy Davis Jr, Frank Sinatra, and Dean Martin.  Three of the Rack Pack members.  

2.  This Sensory Activity.

Because even though my child is a bit older, he still enjoys sensory play.  You can find out how to set this up here.

3.  This Movie Night.

Because even though it was on August 28 (My birthday) we are still talking about how fun this movie was to watch in 3D.  

4.  This Ice Cream Cake.

Because it was Hello Kitty and was great for my birthday cake.  

5.  This Card.

Because it came from my mom and was a really nice surprise!  I love how she adds a book of stamps to her cards as a nice treat to write more.  Makes me feel good.


Don't forget to check out the new Rustic Stars in the Peppermint Bee Shop.  They sell in sets of two for $5.  

Five simple things

Hey, hey!  Another weekend and Friday was my birthday.  We went out to eat and I had one cupcake.  Ha!  We are celebrating all three birthdays together this year and decided to keep them low-key until the last person's birthday, which is Skylar.  His falls on the 30 of September.  Anyway, here are the the things that made my week awesome!

1.  This Beer Name.

Because while looking for some micro brews we saw this.  I love how generic and simple the name and can is.  

2.  This Battery.

Because Skylar found it and it gave me an idea for a science experiment,  Stay tuned to our homeschool blog to find out what it was.  

3.  This Display.

Because when this goes up it means it's football season.  This display was at Safeway and I couldn't help but snap a photo of it.  Go DUCKS!

4.  This Gift.

Because it was hanging on our door when we came home and it was a nice surprise from the Mr.'s mom.

5.  This Lazy Day.

PITA and I shared a lazy day last week when I wasn't feeling well.  He is such a great cuddle doggie.