Tired of being tired?

What bathtub crayons will get ya

Along with the box of goodies my mom sent last Thursday from Arkansas, she added in some bathtub fun toys for Skylar.  Things like bath colors bombs, soap crayons, and even some Fun Dip that we used in the bath water as well.  I know my mom didn't intend for the Fun Dip to end up in the bath water, but I have to limit Skylar's sugar intake around this time of year, so the Fun Dip was used as bath color instead of coloring my son's insides.  :-)

We put the Fun Dip in our bath water, but here are a few other ideas that involve Fun Dip.

Along with all the bath coloring, I wasn't aware of how creative my child can be with bath crayons.  I knew he had a creative side to him, but his art on the wall of the bathroom was amazing.  Paint me proud!

I just love it!  What a nice, cheery image to see when showering in the mornings.  

Eco-Tip:  Here in Oregon slugs are all over, but not so much a nuisance to us as to others.  I hear all sorts of horror stories about people keeping a jar with salt water and dropping them in as they garden.  Sad.  So instead of killing them inhumanely why not use natural slug and snail control with oranges, coffee, and/or crushed egg shells around the bottom of the plants.  For this and other tips on living green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.

Homemade Ranch-Flavored Chips

I love making things homemade even if it takes awhile to make, like jerky or fruit roll-ups.  And I really love making things from scratch that are quick, easy, and very yummy.  Like these ranch-flavored tortilla chips that take all of 10 minutes from prep to cooking.  Here's how!

What you'll need:

  • Salt (1 tsp.)
  • Paprika (1 tsp.)
  • Ranch Dressing Mix ( 1 tsp. powder)
  • Season Salt (1 tsp.)
  • Creole Seasoning (1 tsp. )
  • Oregano ( 1/2 tsp.)
  • Thyme (1/2 tsp.)
  • Salt (1 tsp.)
  • Black Pepper ( 1/2 tsp.)
  • Flour Tortillas ( 1 package-10 count)
  • Olive Oil (3/4 cup)

You'll also need:

• A Pastry Brush
• Small Bowl
• Pizza Cutter or Large Knife
• Large Baking Sheet

Mix all ingredients into the small bowl and stir to combine.  Let sit for 10 minutes to incorporate the seasonings into the olive oil.

Give the mixture another quick stir with the pastry brush before brushing onto stacked flour tortillas.  I like to stack them into piles of 2-4 each.  Paint the mixture onto the top of the stack, then move the bottom tortilla to the top.  Repeat that process till every tortilla has one side painted.

With your pizza cutter, cut the tortillas into triangle pieces, sort of like cutting a small pizza.

With the same pastry brush, run the brush over the top of the baking sheet, just enough for a very, very thin layer.  No need to re-dip your brush, just use what is on the brush from brushing the tortillas.

Lay the triangles onto the baking sheet seasoning side down.  Try not to overlap the tortillas and with your pastry brush, give the tortillas a light coat on the other side.

Bake for 6-8 minutes in the oven at 300 degrees.  Be sure and check throughout the cooking time to make sure the chips aren't getting too brown.  All ovens are different, so watch closely and adjust cooking time for remaining batches.

After cooking move to a large plate and allow to cool, or serve warm.

Serve with salsa, or eat just the way they are.  

You can also make your flour tortillas homemade as well.  I would recommend the Lonestar Taco Kit HERE!

Eco-Tip:  Be sure and plant a tree on Earth Day to honor Mother Earth.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.

Spark of Loves this Week: Reward, Car, Meal, Date, Outing, Number, Fields, Restaurant, Covers, and Camera

This Reward.

Because 15/15 is pretty dang good and he deserved a reward from the local ice cream shop here in town called Lime Berry.

This Car.

Because keeping Herby alive is pretty cool.

This Meal.

Because I love chicken and dumplings, and I love Rosemary Chicken and Dumplings even more.  Recipe to come soon on the blog!

This Date.

Because this dinner date was the best!  

This Outing.

Because we rocked it!

This Number.

Because my car rolled over to 150,000 and it made me sad.  

These Fields.

Because I just love the fields of sheep here in the Willamette Valley.

This Restaurant.

Because Big Town Hero has the best sandwiches and I will miss them when we move.
These Covers.

Because they were given to me to protect my eyes when I tanned.  I tan about 6 times before the end of Spring just to give myself some sun and help beat the winter blues each year.  

This Camera.

Because it helps me to take better photos.  And it has become "my precious."

Eco-Tip:  Try not to waste paper in any way.  Print on both sides of the page and use paper that would otherwise be wasted as scratch paper or cut into note size to jot down quick notes when needed.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.

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