Tired of being tired?

How we spent our St. Patrick's Day

I am a bit tardy on this post, but St. Patrick's Day is one of those holidays that comes almost without warning anyway, so forgive me on the delay.  

We have never been ones to have a party on this day, but we have gotten more and more into the holiday over the years.  We cook St. Patrick's Day themed foods throughout the day, and even indulge in some of the traditions toward the evening.  And the crafting part of the holiday is always my favorite.  Here is a glimpse into what we did for St. Patrick's Day this year.

Of course you have to have a "Kiss me I'm Irish" sign some where in your home on St. Patrick's Day!

We let Skylar cover the front living room window with colored cellophane squares for the entire day.  If you haven't done this craft with your kids, you should really try it.  All it entails is dish soap, water, and cut cellophane.  That's it!  Afterward your window is super shiny and clean too!  You can find the detailed project instructions HERE!

After one side was covered we decided to keep going and cover the entire window.

It was so fun and colorful.

We still have it up and will leave it up for the whole week of spring break.  

I cooked Corn-Beef Hash, Sauerkraut and Sausage, and Irish Potato Soup, as well as green Lemonade (lemonade with green food coloring in it; FYI:  I use India Tree Natural Colors), that we munched on and drank throughout the day.

Eco-Tip:  When it comes to drinking milk, the human race is the only animal on the planet that still drinks milk after being weaned from the mother.   But if you are among the many that still drink milk on a regular basis make sure you choose milk that is hormone and steroid-free.  Look for milk brands that are organic and have backing when it comes to all natural and free of unnecessary additives in it.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.

I LOVE my EarHoox and a Curvyman Cord Supervisor GIVEAWAY!

A few months back I entered a drawing for a free pair of Earhoox.  The contest was open to 100 people and I was 1 of 100 picked to receive a free pair.  Well, a few days after the email below came, I received  my small package of 2 pairs of pink Earhoox.  

(Scroll to the bottom to enter the Curvyman Cord Supervisor Giveaway)

Skylar and I immediately tried them out and they are amazing!  They are the cure for the ear-buds that don't quite fit as snug as they should or fall out at the most untimely moments.  

They fit comfortably inside the ear, even in small ears, and wrap around the inner ear lobe.  They are great for running, walking, and even vigorous activities and the best part, they don't slip!

And due to me currently having Mumford & Sons, Florence + Machine, and Lana Del Ray on repeat, my ear-buds are currently attached to my ears at the moment.

You can get your own pair HERE for $7 (for 2) or $24 (for 10).

The pink Earhoox work perfectly with my pink Curvyman Cord Supervisor.

This little guy has been through a lot with me and my cords.  He keeps them right where they should be until I am ready to use him again.  The hook on the top keeps him hooked to my shirt, pants, or shoelace so he won't get lost.  

Right now on South North South, one lucky ready will win a set of 5 of the Curvyman in random colors.  A prize valued at about $17. 

All you have to do is enter one of four ways below in the entry form, or enter all four for multiple entries.  And add one more entry to your name by Pinning the contest on Pinterest or Facebooking about the contest.  Just provide the link in the comments section below!

The contest ends on April 2nd and the winner will be notified via email on that day.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tractor cake fun

We decided to make a cake.  A tractor cake, to be exact.  The cast aluminum cake pan (From Nordic Ware) we've had for quite some time, but never used it.  Well yesterday we decided to give it a go.  

We went with a strawberry cake instead of chocolate, or white just to mix it up a bit and make it a different sort of tractor.  Skylar loves strawberries, so it suited.

It baked quite nice......

So the image shows a chocolate cake with nice icing lines around the cake.  That design may be nice for some, but we like to go big with stuff, so we make the cake pop with color.
  Nothing like Black Icing, haha!

Not quite the same as the photo, but I like our version better.  Don't you?

I even used edible gold stars for the headlights of the tractor.

It was a big hit in our house.

As you can see.  :-)

Eco-Tip:  Try to use organic ingredients when you can.  Organic foods are better for the environment and for your body overall.  Make sure when shopping for organic foods look for the USDA labeling on whether the item is organic or not.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.