Tired of being tired?

Road Trip: A night at the Ciddici's Pizza

Ciddici's Pizza is probably one of the best pizzas I've ever sunk my teeth into.  The crust alone makes it stand out among other pizzas.  Ciddici's offers pizza in a variety of different toppings  but I will say, their feta and spinach and their pepperoni and black olive is the best!  We all love it, so we made a night of it the night before President Obama was reelected.

Ciddici's Pizza is located in Albany, Oregon in an old Oregon Electric Railroad Station.  


The old horse-drawn delivery door.

Skylar ordered the pizzas for us and even wanted to pay for them with his own allowance.  

This is one of the rooms all of the Democrats will gather the following night (November 6th, 2012)

The game room was one of our favorites.

All the political signs out in support of each candidate from the area.

Such a fun night!  

Eco-Tip:  For an alternative in tooth care, give Eco-Dent a try.  The company offers tooth-whitening powder, tater-guard tooth powder  and natural gel toothpaste for sensitive teeth.  For this and other tips on going green visit,The Earth and Me Go Green.

Quick Tips 104: Things you can't go without knowing

Quick Tips 101:  Things you can't go without knowing (Volume 4)
Use a child's arm floats to protect breakables, such as wine bottles and glass jars, when traveling.
Use a piece of bread to keep cake moist.
Use an electric toothbrush to clean out grout lines.

Use a fabric marker to give Missioni life to plain white tennis shoes.
Use a drinking straw to keep necklaces and bracelets from tangling during travel.

Use vegetables and fruits as make-shift stamps.

Give homemade gifts this season, like this Apple Cider Syrup.

Hang curtain rods much higher than the window frame for a lifted and bigger look to your window and your room.

Use the end of a pencil eraser to pictures and mirrors so they don't damage the wall, or paint.

Store leftover wine in ice cube trays to use later in recipes, and in champagne even.

Eco-Tip:  Fill a bowl with cool water and wash off your fruits and vegetables instead of running the cold tap water from the faucet.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.


Happy Thanksgiving

From my family to yours, may you have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Our thankful tree.  What are you thankful for?

Eco-Tip:  Go meat-free at least one day out of every week.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.


Spark of Loves this Week:

This Barn.

Because no matter how many times I see it, it looks more beautiful than the last.

This Photo of Skylar.

Because I feel like it is one of my best.

This Walk.

Because it was magical.

This Sign.

Because it's worth it.

These Bottles Sitting On This Picture Frame.

Because I think it looks absolutely lovely!

Random Photo of the Week:

The clouds moving through the Valley here in Oregon are breathtaking at times.

Eco-Tip:  Be sure and have a separate trash can for your paper waste and your trash.  Paper waste can be recycled.  If you can't locate a recycling facility in your area try HERE.  For this and other tips on going green visit, The Earth and Me Go Green.